Meeting Agenda Templates: How To Run Your Team Meetings

Andy Payne
3 min readDec 20, 2020


“We need to communicate more effectively as a team, but how do we organize our meetings to avoid wasting everyone’s time?”

This is a common question we get from team managers, especially with remote teams. There are numerous types of meetings with different goals, flows, and participants. It’s important to keep the goal in mind when structuring your meetings. This is doubly true for recurring meetings that will happen often. This list is a starting point with common types of meetings and agenda templates for how to run them. Links are included to Zoom (you’ll have to add the agenda to your invite) and Touchbase.

Daily stand-up

What is it?

A short, energetic pulse of the team’s activity.

Stand-ups, scrums, huddles. They provide a quick way to publicize progress and share any obstacles that could benefit from team resources. Remember to keep it short and to the point. Consider pointing the cameras upward and have the team stand up while meeting. And encourage team members to address their peers directly.


Cover yesterday’s progress, today’s plan, and outstanding issues

  1. What I did yesterday
  2. What I’m doing today
  3. What’s in my way

Start a meeting

Daily stand-up on Touchbase


Make a decision

What is it?

A guide for the decision making process.

Effective decision making is a challenge that most teams face. Using a guide can help. Prepare by identifying and inviting the stakeholders, and use this template as a guide to making the best decision.


Share background info, cover options, and finalize a decision

  1. Do we have all (and only) the necessary stakeholders for the decision?
  2. What is driving the decision (timing and outcome)?
  3. Present the options and trade-offs. Roundtable if needed.
  4. The approver selects from the options.
  5. Record and relay the results of the decision.

Start a meeting

Decision making meeting on Touchbase


Two minute virtual elevator pitch

What is it?

Quickly share what you’re doing and where you need help.

Elevator pitches are meant to be short ways to recruit others, whether you’re looking for resources or new team members. Using this virtual version, you can have a short session with someone who can help you achieve your goals. Keep this session to the two minutes provided, or go even shorter.


As simple as it gets, your elevator pitch and where you need help

Start a meeting

Virtual elevator pitch on Touchbase


Project meeting

What is it?

A lightweight way to share periodic project team updates.

Time-critical project status items should be shared without delay, but periodically it’s useful to get the team up to speed on progress and issues. Use this template with your team regularly to make sure members have the latest updates. If your team is just getting to know each other, now’s the time to do a virtual team building activity to encourage team members to share.


Provide opportunities for team members to share status, raise issues, and plan next steps

Start a meeting

Project meeting on Touchbase


Sales call

What is it?

Use this outline to organize your sales meetings.

Having a sales call that follows a shared set of steps can send prospects the signal that you respect their time. Launch this session and customize it with links to demos or more material for your sales calls.


Organized to allow prospects to share their business needs with opportunity for you to cover the strengths of your offering

  1. Greeting and intros
  2. Share business needs
  3. Overview of the solution
  4. Outline the decision process
  5. Summary and follow-up actions

Start a meeting

Sales call on Touchbase


Virtual coffee

What is it?

Connect over coffee while working remotely.

We all need opportunities to catch up in a casual setting, and we all need coffee (right?). Good shows, good books, even the weather — it’s all fair game. For ideas, check out some of our icebreaker questions and virtual team building activities to get started.


Simple! Grab a drink and socialize

Start a meeting

Virtual coffee on Touchbase


Originally published at



Andy Payne

CTO & Cofounder at Unmeeting ( || Thinking about new ways to help teams work together